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Webinars / GAIA Webinars
New Year’s Resolution – Compost: Learn different composting techniques for different settings
Our speakers, Saraswathi Devi Odian and Theeban Gunasekaran of the Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) shared with us their knowledge and experiences of composting in schools and joining them are Vamsi Kapilavi of Citizen Consumer and Civic Action Group (CAG) who shared their composting experiences in low-income communities, Liam Prince of The Rubbish Trip/ Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance (APPA) shared with us policy recommendations in composting, and Rap Villavicencio of Mother Earth Foundation (Philippines) who shared their experiences of composting in the materials recovery facility and backyard. The webinar will be moderated by GAIA’s Asia Pacific India Coordinator, Shibu Nair.