Hacía Basura Cero en Campos Deportivos
Towards Zero Waste in Sports
A film by Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales (RADA)
Running Time: 33:50
This documentary deals with the Zero Waste project carried out by Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales (RADA) in the Campos Deportivos sector in Temuco, Chile. This exhibition recounts the experience of the residents upon learning the principles of Zero Waste and thus reducing the amount of garbage produced. This project lasted 2 years during which neighboring areas also learned to separate and reuse their waste to generate the least amount of garbage.
Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales or the Action Network for Environmental Rights (RADA) is a community organization based in Araucanía, Chile. The organization advises and accompanies rural and urban communities in socio-environmental conflict through joint initiatives of denunciation, education and citizen participation. Promoting the Küme Mongen (Good Living). Follow RADA’s Facebook page to know more their work.