Menjadi Petugas Pengumpul Sampah Antara Keinginan dan Keterpaksaan
Becoming A Waste Worker: Between Desire and Compulsion
A film by Yaksa Pelestari Bumi Berkelanjutan (Indonesia)
Running Time: 22: 37
They are at the forefront of waste management. Without them, our city streets would be strewn with litter. However, our waste workers also face various occupational health risks and hazards. In this 20-minute documentary by GAIA member YPBB Bandung, six waste workers from YPBB’s Zero Waste Cities tell their stories. Listen to Wartikah, Turi, Yahya, Rosniawati, Hadiman, and Usep – as they talk about their lives, their challenges, and their hopes.
Founded in 1993, Yaksa Pelestari Bumi Berkelanjutan (YPBB) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization dedicated to helping people achieve a high quality of life. YPBB is known for its leadership in organics-related issues, especially with its primary campaign, Zero Waste. Know more about YPBB here: