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Zero Waste Film Festival - Digital
RACUN DI UDARA: Ekspedisi 3 Sungai #06
Poison in the Air
A film by Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (Indonesia)
Running Time: 27:10
Part 6 of ECOTON’s Three River Series explores how a paper factory and the waste trade have created a toxic mix that affects the people, water, and air of Sumber Rejo.
Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (ECOTON) began as a Biology Study Program in 1996. Due to a sense of concern for the environmental issues in East Java, particularly in Kali Surabaya, ECOTON was fully incorporated as a non-profit and non-government organization aimed at raising awareness on the increasing level of waste pollution in East Java’s rivers. Know more about ECOTON and their work here: https://ecoton.or.id/