REPUBLIK SASET: Ekspedisi 3 Sungai #17
Republic of Sachets
A film by Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (Indonesia)
Running Time: 21:18
A sachet might be small and may appear harmless, but collectively, they make up a large percentage of non-biodegradable waste. In this expedition in the Upper CItarum River in West Java in Indonesia, we see the community and environmental activist groups take legal action towards the negligence of big manufacturers.
Ecological Observation and Wetlands Conservation (ECOTON) began as a Biology Study Program in 1996. Due to a sense of concern for the environmental issues in East Java, particularly in Kali Surabaya, ECOTON was fully incorporated as a non-profit and non-government organization aimed at raising awareness on the increasing level of waste pollution in East Java’s rivers. Know more about ECOTON and their work here: